Saturday, May 30, 2009

World No Tobacco Day – May 31

Everyone knows what the end effect of tobacco consumption is. Tobacco is one of the proven carcinogenic material, consumed by millions of people in various forms such as cigarettes, beedies, gutka, etc. It is a dangerous addiction. Street kids as young as four are smoking tobacco in some form or other! We only hope the tobacco industry realizes what it is doing to millions of people.

The World No Tobacco Day is to spread “Shun-Tobacco” message all around the world. The cancer-affected people say “I wish I hadn’t smoked my first cigarette”. They are also now pressing for introduction of pictorial health warnings on all tobacco packs. In India, pictorial warning of –a skull and bones sign with a message “tobacco and smoking kills” - will be introduced on cigarette and bidi packets from May 31, 2009 onwards. Better late than never.

Everyone of us should support and demand a smoke-free environment. If tobacco is so much harmful why grow it at all? Ban tobacco cultivation.

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