Saturday, December 12, 2009

Climate Change Summit

Everyone is talking about the climate change due to global warming and naturally everyone is worried about the repercussions of such a scenario in the near future. If one assumes that the climate change is only due to global warming, one of the most serious scenarios due to the climate change will be the watery grave to very many coastal cities around the world and the sensitive industrial units such as refineries and nuclear plants which are ideally situated for convenience of accessibility and cooling water requirements on the sea coasts.

As can be seen from the goings-on in on-going Climate Change Summit at Copenhagen, it is very difficult to come to mutually agreeable and unbiased understanding on the issue. Developed countries are using arm-twisting techniques to brow-beat the developing countries to agree to cap the greenhouse gas emissions to unreasonable levels which are likely to hamper the necessary infrastructure development in the countries. The target year “by 2050” is too far off.

It is the need of the time that the developed rich countries provide clean technologies to the developing countries so that the development is not hampered. The developing countries like India and China also should make all efforts to reduce, at least, non-industrial emissions and commit to employ technology up-gradation to minimize the environmental greenhouse gas pollution.

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