Friday, March 5, 2010

Crazy to think human activity impacts climate

This title is reproduced from the excerpts from the interview of leading US atmospheric physicist S. Fred Singer by the Indian leading DNA Money. This supports fully the observations made by "icareforyou" consistently in his blogg:

For the benefit of my fellow-forum members I reproduce some of the statements made by Prof. Singer.

1. The contribution from humans for the climate change in 20th century is only minute compared to natural causes.
2. Blaming only the CO2 for global warming is not justified when there are other much stronger greenhouse gases such as water vapour and methane are present in the environment. Data does not support IPCC views.
3. The Sun (solar activity), changes in the earth’s orbit and continental drift are responsible for the climate changes we are witnessing today. About 18 cm rise in sea level per century is the norm over 3,000 years.
4. Any drastic control on industrialization will make energy very expensive and affordable only by the rich.

"icareforyou" again emphasizes that industrial developments in developing countries should not be curtailed just on the sake of emission cuts. The climate change seen today is not reversible just by controlling the CO2 emission.

However, there is a need for developing cheaper and cleaner energy sources. Also, global efforts should be made to control emissions of other and much stronger GHGs such as: natural gases, methane, ethanol, N2O and CF4.

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