Monday, January 3, 2011

Increasing use of "Party Drugs" by youngsters

It is reported that the use of so-called party drugs, also called soft drugs is the first step to addiction. The youngsters (11 to 18 years) who used to smoke cigarettes once in a while for “kicks” have started taking soft drugs such as use of Hookahs and natural products such as cannabies, charas, ganja and bhang. These products do give some feeling of “highness” or well-being for a while, but are highly addictive over time.

There drugs do have long-term ill effects. They can cause brain damage, memory loss, loss of concentration, impaired judgment, etc, etc.

Public awareness through the mass media such as television should be used to bring-in awareness about the harmful effects of these drugs. Small ads using film/TV personalities should be made and shown for greater impact. Indian children are well known for hero-worshipping and try to copy the “styles” of these “Stars”.

These personalities should be asked give a few minutes of their time for such a noble cause. The government can provide some income tax benefit to the obliging stars as an incentive. Parents should also be educated to strongly discourage their children from consuming these life-style drugs to prevent addiction.

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