Saturday, January 17, 2009

Farm loan waiver –Justified?

India government earlier brought out a package of whopping Rs.70,000 as farm loan waiver to curb increased number of suicides among farmers. It was reported that the farmers were in debt and were unable to pay back the loans taken from the banks. It is well known that the suicides were reported by the farmers who were in debt from the village money-lenders, rather than from the banks. The loan waiver was mainly cashed-in by the rich middle men and the bank officials. The actual farmers remained in debt and were unable to pay back the loan due to many reasons, some are self-made, and some are natural. The banks were unable to take such a heavy burden.

Under such circumstance, whether it is justified the loan waiver of Rs.6000 Crore announced again in last December by the Maharashtra Government? No. The money is being diverted from the much needed infrastructure projects! It is just vote-bank politics, and money making technique by the corrupt politicians and their “chelas”. .

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